soundbytes kram
This section contains all the stuff that does not fit into the other categories, mainly templates and tutorials. Some of it is a bit outdated by now, I left it here because it still might be useful to somebody.

Modular Inventions

In the modular section You will find instruments and macros for some modular software synthesizers that I am using:

Soundbytes Tutorials

Some Sequencer Templates for Home Studio equipment

I have created these templates for my own gear. If You find them useful, then please drop me a line and say hello.  
(And don´t forget to visit my other pages)

  • This CubaseSX setup file brings the Peavey StudioMix together with the Steinberg sequencer
    A Logic remote control for the Tascam TM-D1000 digital mixer.
    another logic template. Here the TM-D100 is used to control the logic mixer
    this Logic template is not really complete and it is very very old. You might still find it useful.

noch mehr Kram

Eine vollständige  Liste aller Plugins, die für Adobe Audition erhältlich sind. (bis vor kurzem bekannt als Cool edit Pro)

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