press room
sfz toolbox
The rgc:audio sfz sample player is known as a freeware soundfont
player for the windows platform but
it is a very capable sampler as well. Not many people are using sfz to
its full potential. The text based patch format seems to put many
potential users off.
This is where the sfz-toolbox
steps in: A conviniently designed set of dialogs makes patch
creation an easy task while at the same time complete control over
the sfz source text can be maintained through the text editor
And the sfz-toolbox can do even more: Apart from mere text creation it allows to ...
- check the validity of audio file references.
- audition wav samples from sample opcodes.
- load the currently edited sfz patch file into the sfz
player. Using the sfz-toolbox it is even possible to audition the
latest changes without saving the file to disk.
- and there are many more useful tools for sfz content creators
The toolbox comes as a set of macros that can be used with the popular NoteTab text editor. A free version of the program is available from the homepage
Download your copy of the sfz toolbox from here.
- Download
and install NoteTab if you have not already done so. The sfz-toolbox
works fine with all three NoteTab versions (free, std or pro)
- Download the sfz toolbox and open the zip archive.
- Open the NoteTab application folder and copy the files sfz-toolbox.exe and sfz-toolbox.clb into the Libraries folder. Copy the file sfz.tpl into the Templates folder.
- Now download and install sfz if you have not already done so.
- Start NoteTab. Hit F4. The clip book will appear as a column at the left side of the text edit area.
- Open the drop down list at the top of the clipbook and select the sfz-toolbox entry.
- A list of macro names or 'Clips' will appear in the clipbook column. Doubleclick a clip name to execute it. Hint: hold the SHIFT key down while doubleclicking to bring up an Info box with details on the Clip usage.
- The sfz-toolbox can be used to open audio files in the
preferred audio editor. It will also open sfz definition files
with the sfz sample player. In order to do this the toolbox needs to
know where these applications can be found.
- sfz: doubleclick the 'audition in sfz' clip.
The first time you do this you will be prompted to locate sfz.exe. This
needs only to be done once. The toolbox will store the setting
- audio editor: put the text curser on a audio file reference then double click the 'open in audio editor'
clip. You will be prompted to select an audio editor application. As
with the sfz setup this needs only to be done once. The referenced file
will then be opened in the selected program.
- If You later want to change one of these settings use the clips
'locate sfz.exe' or 'select audio editor'.(they are located at the bottom of the clip library list)
Which Audio Editors support the ogg Vorbis format?
(... to be continued)