The remote setup file lets CubaseSX understand the Midi
messages from the Peavey StudioMix. Download it from here
(rightclick the link and select the 'save link target to disk' command
or whatever your browser calls it).
necessary informations on how to import the remote setup file into
Cubase can be found in the PDF manual that comes with Cubase SX.
It can be accessed from within Cubase:
Help > Documentation > Operation Manual.
Chapter 12 deals with remote controlling of Cubase. Read pages 278-282
to get the details. If You still can't get along please don't ask me.
I'm afraid I don't have the ressources to help You on. Instead please
post your questions to one of the numerous internet bulletin boards
like for example.
This remote setup comes with nine banks: The first bank
controls the VST Channelstrip
the following six banks are used for the VST-Mixer
while the last two banks deal with the Midi-Mixer.
Release notes
- This template isn't yet complete. Some of the buttons
and knobs
are still unconnected. So If You have any Ideas for further development
please give me a hint. I might even consider to implement some. ;-)
- The Peavey StudioMix is hm, letssay - a bit special.
You will find
that most of the units have an unpleasnt habit of constantly murmuring.
They generate a constant stream of midi noise. CubaseSX does of course
not expect such behaviour and the result is that the execution of
controler data is stopped when Cubase receives the random Midi data
from the StudioMix. The Programm StudioMixMap is a specialized
utility that can fix the issue. Go to
to find further information. Please note that my template is currently
not compatible with StudioMixMap
Common Controls - These are the same
for all layers:
Button Row 1-5 (upper buttons first)